

"What Inspires You Was Engineered For Headphones"
[by Adam Victor Lattimore]

What Inspires You?
How can one explain what is best experienced?
I Know...
Let's take a journey through my mind

Fear not
My hospitality is fit for royalty
I extend to all the world

I'm certain you'll bump into a friend
A future friend, that is
Your commonality
Lies within this shared experience

So, let us proceed to the answer
Do you still remember the question?
Here's your refresher...
What Inspires You?

What Inspires You?
How can one explain what is best experienced?
I Know...
Let's take a journey through my mind

A form of this was asked of me
My immediate response

I found myself lacking
A quick chuckle
Nothing more

Not being one
To admit defeat
Considering this was an obstacle
Of verbal nature

I pondered
And pondered
Even sacrificing
Some of my beauty rest

Awake at night
Replaying the question

What Inspires You?
How can one explain what is best experienced?
I Know...
Let's take a journey through my mind

Upon reflection
I realized
It is concrete
While also abstract

It is found within the tiny details
Resembling the grandeur
Of all we find familiar
Reminding us of that which is already apparent

I'm inspired by stories of success
Yet perhaps more so by fables of failure

The unpredictable nature of life
In it's many many variations
The looming, imminent conclusion
By whatever name you know (G.R.)

Blank paper
Not in blankness
But in possibilities
Lastly, movies starring Denzel Washington

All of these hold a place
In my backlog of potential topics
Hopefully I'll get to all of these and many more
Perhaps, we can tackle one together (You And I)

Until then...
Continue to ask yourself

What Inspires You?
How can one explain what is best experienced?
I Know...
Let's take a journey through YOUR mind

Side Note:
For you fans of irony

This recording
was inspired by a person
that asked me
where my inspiration comes from...
and thus,
Unbeknownst to said person,
THEY became my inspiration

What Inspires You?
How can one explain what is best experienced?
I Know...
Let's take a journey through my mind