From the recording Today Ben Peer is Wolverine


Thursday, January 29th, 2009

On This Day In History Ben Peer was... Wolverine

This is one of those circumstances
That calls for another addition of...
"aVL Impersonates Wolverine"
Starting in 3... 2... 1...

Hey, everybody, it's me, Wolverine
We're here at the sneak preview
Of the bootleg copy
Of my unfinished movie
'X-men Origins'
Let's Go!

And The Movie Begins

Oh, come on, Bub!
That's not how it happened
He wasn't him
Did anyone read my autobiography?
It had pictures and everything

Someone better get me the executives
Over at FOX, we need to talk...
About me collaborating with, I love that guy
It'd be me, the one and only Wolverine, and him
Mr. ill willy, Black Eye Peas style

We could be called WW... 3?
'Cuz we bring war skills (Dat's Da Truf)
Or WW... E?
'Cuz I know we can entertain

8... 9... 10...

This has been another addition of...
"aVL Impersonates Wolverine"
Shout out to Team Alexa Irwin
It's OK, she's Canadian.

P.S. Let me also mention the name
"Hugh Jackman"
For the purpose of
Google search optimization
Thank You